Guts and Glory, Part 2

Clockwise from top right: Waipahu's Kai Mercado-Aiona, Saint Louis's Ryder Kuhns, Leilehua's Justin Jenks and Campbell's Isaac Hurd. ScoringLive photo illustration

Day two of this three part series features a recurring theme amongst today's showcased quarterbacks. These four players will all have to learn to embrace a different role if they want to help their team succeed this season.

Kai Mercado-Aiona - Waipahu Marauders

2012 stats - 9 GP, completed 30-of-57 passes, a 52.6 completion percentage, 597 passing yards, 6 TD, 3 INT

2012 rushing stats: 54 carries for 140 yards and a TD

Coming into the 2012 season, Kai Mercado-Aiona was primed for show time. But a late summer transfer from 2011 OIA White player of the year Kaimi Paredes, would put a on limit Mercado-Aiona's time at the controls of the Marauders' multi-option attack. Now that Paredes has graduated, Mercado-Aiona will finally get his chance to lead the Marauders in a full time role.

While the time on the bench in 2012 might have stunted his development to some people, Mercado-Aiona used it as motivation to get better.

"It was helpful," said Mercado-Aiona on competing with Paredes for playing time. "It was competitive; it kept me on my toes."

Mercado-Aiona, only a sophomore at the time, would improve throughout the season and was eventually blessed with more playing time. Starting in their three game road trip to close out the regular season, the Marauder offense would alternate quarterbacks on every down. It might have been an unorthodox method, but Mercado-Aiona enjoyed his best passing totals during this three game span:

- Against Aiea, completed 5 passes on 8 attempts for 170 yards and two TDs

- Against Leilehua, completed 6 passes on 11 attempts for 81 yards and a TD

- Against Mililani, completed 8 passes on 12 attempts for 180 yards and a TD

The above stats are on a player who only played half the snaps of a game; if you double the numbers, you'll have some gaudy statistics that most high school quarterbacks would love to have.

Mercado-Aiona will no longer have OIA Red receiving leader Dylan Pakau to throw to anymore (reg. season stats - 27 receptions, 637 yards, 7 TDs), but you can't deny that the potential is there for Mercado-Aiona to be the perfect complement to a ball-control type of offense.

There's no secret to what Waipahu is going to do on offense. Ever since the Sean Saturnio era, the Marauders have always incorporated the flexbone, triple-option scheme as their base offense. In every progressing year though, there has been more option-oriented plays that are being added to the playbook. While you'll still see the flexbone, the Marauders will run some misdirection at you, the famed Oregon read-option against defenses, and even run a little Florida Gator, Tim Tebow shovel pass option that will shock any aggressive defense unprepared for it.

"We've been practicing on that a lot, and just trying to get better at it," said Mercado-Aiona. "I like running the option; it's the game plan that I feel (most comfortable with) heading into a game."

As long as Mercado-Aiona can make all the right reads and complete passes to sustain drives, the Marauders should remain competitive in a very wild Red West division.

Ryder Kuhns - St. Louis Crusaders

2012 stats - 8 GP, completed 98-of-156 passes, a 62.8 completion percentage, 1210 passing yards, 11 TD, 4 INT

Another sophomore who split time with a senior last season is current ScoringLive male athlete of the week, Ryder Kuhns. The 6-foot-1, 225-lb quarterback didn't play in every game, but acknowledges the benefits of not having all the pressure on his shoulders.

 "It was helpful," said Kuhns on splitting time with the then senior Kawai Mook-Garcia. "It (also) helped me mentally. Just wait your turn, wait your turn and go out and do your best."

This year Kuhns will have the whole offense at his disposal, something that was evident at St. Louis' dispatching of two-time defending state champion Kahuku. With a year of experience under his belt, Kuhns now is able to call his own audibles and hot routes at the line of scrimmage.

"I got more control of the offense this year," explains Kuhns. "Last year I didn't have this; (now) I can audible out of plays and do hot routes."

One of the key players returning that Kuhns will be throwing this year is the multi-talented Devan Stubblefied; a player capable of catching the short passes as well as the long ball. Stubblefield will be one of those players that Kuhns will look to throw to when an audible is needed.

"I like it," said Kuhns on his connection with Stubblefield. "Devan can do a lot of things so it's good to audible out to him; it's easy."

Stubblefield won't be the only receiver opposing defenses have to be aware of this fall, slot receivers Allan Cui and Rico Salas are dangerous on the inside, with Drew Kobayashi playing opposite of Stubblefield.

"They're great," said Kuhns on his slots. "Cui (has) always been good. I've played with him since freshman year. He's a good, shifty receiver and he's a great player. Rico, he's a upcoming (player), he's sophomore. He did good, filling in for Cui when he got hurt. He's getting better every day."

On Kobayashi: "He dropped some (passes against Kahuku), but we can just keep getting better from there. He's (good) player (now, and) he can be great," said Kuhns.

Behind Kuhns, the Crusaders have averaged 50 points per game and 515 yards in total offense. With this hot start, it's no wonder why some top-10 polls have St. Louis as the best team in the state.

When it comes down to it all, top-10 polls and power rankings are all for naught in the end as there is only one team left standing once December comes around. St. Louis still has to battle with Punahou and Kamehameha to get into the state tourney, but that won't stop Kuhns from backing down.

"I think we do," said Kuhns on St. Louis' chances in getting into states. "We have a great team. I like what our coaches are doing with us. I think we have a chance to compete with them (Punahou and Kamehameha)."

Kuhns is the kind of quarterback who will stand tall in the pocket to make the right pass even if he'll take a big hit in the process. That bravado behind center will be crucial to the Crusaders' title hopes.

Isaac Hurd - Campbell Sabers

2012 stats - 8 GP, completed 21-of-36 passes, a 58.3 completion percentage, 206 passing yards, 4 TD

2012 rushing stats: 34 carries for 153 yards and a TD

Continuing with the theme of quarterbacks who split time last year, we look at the dual-threat quarterback out in Ewa Beach.

Although he didn't play as much as last year, the talented Isaac Hurd will be the one to pioneer the run-and-shoot oriented offense for Campbell in 2013. Hurd's opportunity to shine has finally come, and he is excited for the opportunity to lead the team.

"Over the years I've learned to keep my attitude up," said Hurd in an interview for ScoringLive's 16 in 16 series. "As a quarterback, I know that if I drop my attitude down, people around me are going to feed off of that. I need to be a role model who's always positive, instead of (someone) getting down when the going gets tough."

Already leading Campbell to two wins this year, Hurd is showing that he has a pretty good grasp of the offensive system.

"Offensively, we're going to stretch the field (by passing)," explains Hurd. "We're trying to work our running backs (in), and getting them more involved so that we can be balanced (on offense)."

It's going to take big performances from both sides of the ball to be competitive in the Red West, and limiting three-and-outs are on of Hurd's goals this year.

 "Over the years it's mainly been the defense (keeping us in games), said Hurd. "I know that our offense is going to have to kick it up so that we can give them (the defense) rest, and score some points for them. They can't be doing their whole job (all game long), we have to help them out."

Hurd is a quarterback who can pass and run the ball, and as long as he's behind center, the Sabers will be a legitimate threat for the Red West crown.

Justin Jenks - Leilehua Mules

2012 stats - 11 GP, completed 191-of-305 passes, a 62.6 completion percentage, 1808 passing yards 17 TD, 7 INT

While the Leilehua Mules quarterback may not be starting anymore, he'll still play a pivotal role on the team. The 2013 version of Justin Jenks will be crucial in helping transfers Mack Eberhardt and Kalanimoku Pauole get acclimated with the Mules offense.

Jenks is still one of the top 12 quarterbacks returning and could start for most teams in the state. He did after all have the third best passing stats in 2012, so he rightfully deserves a spot on this list. Having a venerable veteran mentor the new Leilehua quarterbacks should speed up their development in the offensive system.

In addition to mentoring the new quarterbacks, Jenks will also spend time as a pass catcher. This will also help improve the Mules receiving corps because he can give a quarterback's perspective to his fellow receivers.

Super bowl winning quarterback Kurt Warner once served as a back up to the rookie Eli Manning during his time as a New York Giant. Having a mentor who has won a super bowl has definitely paid off for Manning as he currently holds two super bowl rings himself. No matter what Jenks' roles are on offense this year, it will certainly be beneficial for the team.

Reach Michael Lasquero at [email protected].